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Top 4 Myths about plastic bags

Myth #1:  Paper grocery bags are a better environmental choice than plastic bags.

Fact: Plastic bags are 100% recyclable. Paper bags have significantly more
         environmental impacts (such as air emissions, water emissions and solid  
         waste) than those of plastic bags.

       o Plastic bags use 40% less energy to produce and generate 80% less                   
         solid waste than paper bag.

      o Paper bags generate 70% more emissions, and 50 times more water   
        pollutants than plastic bags.

     o Paper bags made from 100% recycled fibres and use more fossil fuels  
       than plastic bags.

Myth #2:  Plastic bags are the largest component of landfills.

Fact:  On average, paper bags account for more than 40% of a landfill's
         contents. More education on responsible use and recycling knowledge is
         the key to reducing litter.

Myth #3: Plastic shopping bags are killing marine life.

Fact: It is not the plastic bags that are killing the marine life. It is because
          people are not well educated with the knowledge of recycling. Millions
          of plastic bags left in the landfill, which can threaten wildlife through
          entanglement, suffocation, and ingestion. This leads to an increase
          wildlife death rate.

Myth #4: Banning and taxing plastic shopping bags is the answer.

Fact: Bans and taxes actually don't work and have unintended consequences.
         Due to an increase in tax/charges on plastic bags, consumers will find
         alternatives, such as heavy-duty plastic bags. This contains 82% more   
         plastic than regular shopping bag. The banning of plastic bags may lead  
         people in using paper bags, which as a result causes 7 times increase in 
         the amount of greenhouse gases produced. Plastic bags have been  
         produced for more than 50 years and people now days rely on plastic
         shopping bags for the convenience. Therefore, by charging and adding            
         taxes to plastic shopping bags will not turn customers away from using

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